Monday, July 20, 2015

I Have A Strange Addiction

I'm addicted. Yep. I started last October. I get free items, or items for $.01+ to test and review. I've become one of the top reviewers on amazon in this time. I've stopped getting most of the little things. It just adds up and becomes clutter. Too many boxes (I was getting a ups package daily for a while). I now try for the things I would love to try and have. I'm down to one ups delivery a week. Really slowing down a lot. 

I have a collection of essential oils, oil diffusers, cooking items/gadgets/skillets, several French Presses (super since I break mine off and on), about 25 pounds of coffee, food and spices, canning equipment. I have clothes I've reviewed, amber teething necklaces, toys (kid and adult), cloth diapers, baby wraps and ring slings...

Then a Kindle Fire HD. 

Now that I'm a top ranked reviewer, I can pitch for bigger stuff! 

Toady I got my projector!

I'm so hooked. It's a lot of fun to write and blog about all the thing you like, dislike, and would change about a product.

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