Friday, October 10, 2014

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

I'm doing a recipe someone I know shared. My batch is smaller than hers, though. She had 3 gallons.  I only have 1. 

I had a gallon of peels and cores. Put them in a clean jar. I had kimchi in my gallon jar, so I had to use 2 half gallon jars. 

Add 1/3 cup sugar to each 1/2 gallon (2/3 cup per gallon). 

Fill with water about 1-2 inches over the top of the peels. 

Cover with a cloth to keep bugs/dust out, but allow to breathe. 

Stir daily for 2 weeks. 

Once the alcohol smell starts to go away, strain it. The apple will be pretty broken up at this point. 

Bottle, but it still needs to breathe to avoid exploding. Leave the jar lid loose with cloth between the lid and ring to allow it to release the gas/alcohol. 

Wait 12 weeks. Then take the cloth out, recap and done. 

We will see how it goes. I'll blog it as it goes. 

Here's Day 1. I'll be updating on my recipe blog linked below. 

For this recipe, as well as many others:

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