Tuesday, April 22, 2014


End of the day. 

So, I cleaned some more.  The water to the entire town was out from 10am until about 7pm.  It's finally back on, however we will likely have a boil order for a couple days now.  

I'm tired.  I'm tired of people asking how I'm doing.  I'm tired of mean people online.  I'm tired of moving.  I'm tired of my feet swelling every time I eat.  

I've accepted the fact that I'll probably be pregnant for another week or two.  I'm tired of that too.  I just had my first contraction all day today about 30 minutes ago.  

Baby's moving though.  Not as much today, but moving around right now.  

Anyway, I'm getting ready for bed.  

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This is my journal and you are welcome to leave your input and any information you may feel is helpful for my pregnancy. However, I will delete your comment if I do not feel it is uplifing or helpful to me mentally. I did not start this as a debate or to be attacked. This is for my own piece of mind and to keep track of my pregnancy and progress. Thank you for being respectful of my wishes.