Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Diaper Experiment

Well, the other day I finally got around to making my first cloth diaper for Jacob.  I started out really late, cutting the pattern out at 11:30 pm.  I wanted to make one, and cut into the fleece blanket I had bought just for this project.  I knew most of what I was doing, but still needed a little help from my mom with the elastic.  I had no idea what it was wanting me to do.  After reading the instructions multiple times, we decided to pull out a fleece diaper I had bought from someone on a Cafemom group (Cuties With Cloth Booties).  We quickly figured out what I was needing to do.  As I was finishing up the last bit of stitching, my mom mentioned it was almost 2:30 am.  Come to find out, sewing is like a time warp.  I was abducted by my sewing machine, and lost several hours of my life! 

The diaper turned out perfect, though.  I was so happy with it!  The stitching was perfect, and for a first diaper it was amazing!  I was even more shocked at how much easier the diaper was to sew than the nursing pads.  I really just hate circles.  As a beginner at sewing, circles are something I need to practice.

It's a pretty easy pattern. I was only stumped for a bit on the elastic (how to sew it in), but got it after a bit. Here's the to the pattern. Anyway, Jacob loves his new diaper.

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