While cruising the internet, I came across this. Although, I don't feel cervical dilation tells us anything about when baby will come, I do think this is interesting. I am not big on internal vaginal exams. I think that if you are wanting to check your cervical dilation, this would be the way to do it.
Here is the info from Anne Frye in the book Holistic Midwifery, Vol. II, p. 376.
Determine how many fingerbreadths of space are between the fundus and xiphoid process at the height of a contraction.
"...During a contraction and with mom on her back, determine how many fingerbreadths of space are between the fundus [top of the uterus] and xiphoid process [the triangular tip of the breastbone] at the height of a contraction.
5 fb = no dilation
4 fb = 2 cm
3 fb = 4 cm
2 fb = 6 cm
1 fb = 8 cm
0 fb = complete"
Here is what Anne Frye says:
As the space between the xiphoid and the fundus shortens (becomes narrower), dilation advances. This occurs, in part, because the upper segment of the uterus thickens as labor advances. The uterus also rises more as contraction intensify.
To use the fingerbreath method, it should be the height of the contraction and she should be on her back.
Another tip from Anne Frye
Many women have a bloody show as the presenting part passes through the fully dilated cervical os. This show should be quite mucilaginous and stretchy; a trickle of brighter blood near the end of dilation, accompanied by lots of suprapubic pain, can also mean a cervical lip is being pulled down with the presenting part.
I also found this information: What You Don't Know About Your Cervix Can Ruin Your Birth.
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