Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm done!

Last week I finished up my birth kit. I am so excited it's done, but funny enough, I'm now stressed out that I have no birth kit to work on. LOL! I guess I need to unwind a little. ;) I do still have plenty of packing to do.

I am feeling great. I do have some back pain, but that is pretty normal for me. My back pain has never really gone away since my hospital epidurals years ago. It just bothers me more when I'm pregnant. I haven't been exercising as much as I would like, but I have been eating better. Last night was the first night I had soda in I don't know how long. I was feeling queazy, so I had some ginger ale. BTW - don't drink ginger ale and eat a cookie just before bed. Expecially if you have pregnancy heartburn all the time.

I am looking forward to the big move. We will be moving to the farm soon, and can start preparing for the arrival of our little one. I just can't believe I'm all set for it. I am such a procrastinator. It seems strange to have it all done months ahead of time.

I thought it might come in handy for next time, so here's the birth kit list.

Poise Pads (postpartum bleeding)

Adult Diapers (for labor if water breaks and postpartum bleeding)

Chux Pads


Cold Pack

Massage Oil

Olive Oil (perennial massage)

Molasses (up iron and help with constipation)

Witch Hazel (16 oz)

Epsom Salt

Baby Powder

2 Night Gowns

Bulb Syringe

Digital Thermometer (for baby)



Evening Primrose Capsules (cervix ripening starting at 36 weeks)

Mistletoe and Shepherd's Purse Tincture (hemorrhage preventive)

After Ease Tincture (ease after birth pains)

After Birth Herbal Sitz Bath

Stiz Bath (that sits on toilet)

Dr Christopher's 6 Week Formula (prep for birth)

Birth Ball

Birth Pool - kiddie pool (with portable water heater)

Fish net (to scoop poop in pool) - LOL! I had to repeat myself as to why I need
this 3 times to DH today in Sears (they didn't have one - need to go to Walmart)

Printed Keepsake Birth Certificate

Ink Pad (for foot prints on Birth Certificate)

Cranberry and Crangrape Juice (64 oz each)

Prune Juice (for after birth to help with constipation)

Digital Hanging Fish Scale (to weigh baby)

Sling (to put baby in to weigh with hanging scale)

Umbilical Cord Tape

Sterile Gloves

Exacto Knive to cut umblilical cord

Towels and Wash Cloths

Baby Clothes


Birth Information for DH (always nice to have for reference)

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