Well, I am still enjoying my pregnancy. I love it. I am enjoying every moment, big or small, uncomfortable or enjoyable. I have truely loved this entire pregnancy. I love feeling our little angel moving about and responding to me and Brent's touch. I love laying at night and feeling baby's hiccups. I laugh when I cough and it scares baby and makes him/her jump.
I am somewhat sad, because I am 38 weeks and I am almost done nurturing my baby from within. I love being the only one to hold and love him/her. I do want Brent to be able to, but right now it is my time. This is my special time where I can show my angel how much I love him/her.
I am looking forward to my labor and birth, though. Each baby has been different and I am excited to find out what this labor is going to be like. I have been exercising, eating healthy (for the most part - LOL), taking my vitamines and evening primrose. I currently have everything ready to go. I got my home birth supplies over to Eva's (my midwife). I got all my baby stuff washed and folded. We have several friends who are willing to watch our other monkeys while I am in labor. We are ready to go, and yet, I'm still not quite ready. I am still not wanting to give up my last bit of intimate time that I have with Brent before the baby comes. He has been so wonderful and supportive. I love him so much and can't imagine doing this without him. He is my love and my life. He is strong for me when I don't think I can go on.
I have been getting contractions at night, and sometimes during the day, but nothing serious. I enjoy working through them and teaching my body how to relax during a contraction. My natural reaction is to tense up and fight the pain, but that only makes it worse. I am training myself to relax and enjoy the progress that my body is making to prepare for the actual event. :)
I had better go, but I will keep everyone updated on our progress. When our little one comes, I'll get the pictures posted. I love you all.
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