I woke up Sunday morning and I was in pain. My right kidney was hurting like something awful. It was like labor pains, but in the front and back of my kidney area. We went to church, and I sat through the pain. Around 5 pm it subsided. I thought I might be getting a UTI, so I drank a pitcher of cranberry juice and a lot of water (I usually drink lots of water anyway).
On Monday, Brent went to work about 9 am and I was feeling great. About 11 am the pain started up suddenly in my kidney and I had to lay down on the couch until it was better around 3 pm. Every exhale on the second breath was a stabbing pain in my kidney for an hour and a half. As soon as the pain started I got nauseous and there was no way I was eating until everything was better. I drank a glass of water with a vitamin C and garlic tablet every hour for 5 hours. I ate a little at 3 pm and then at 7 pm we all went to visit our friend Moroni and ate at his house (corned beef and cabbage - my last meal just before this started). Ironic, LOL!
I went to bed last night around 10 pm feeling pretty good. Well, I woke up at 1 am and my pain was back. It hurt like a knife in the right kidney. Brent woke up and was concerned and asked if I needed to go to the hospital. I said no (I didn't want to go). After about 30 minutes he said we were going, and I agreed. We were driving down the road and I saw the sign warning to 'Watch for Elk'. I started talking to Brent about how that would suck to hit an elk. We were talking about that (keeping my mind off the pain) and I looked off to the right, just off the road, and there was a big bull elk. I was like, 'Holy Cow! There was and elk'. Then I looked to the left and pointed to Brent a cow elk. We were watchful after that.
Now, this was the night of St. Patrick's Day and the cops were out. Brent was driving perfect, so what happened. We got pulled over in Show Low. Now I was getting annoyed, which only agrivated my condition. I was hurting and we got pulled over for no reason. He came to my side but my door doesn't open and our windows don't work in the front. HA! HA! Cop had to come to the driver's side. He gave Brent a warning (pregnant lady with abdominal pains going to the hospital helped). We had a light out on the back of the van! Thanks dude.
We finally made it to the hospital and I gave them my information (the computer went down, so she had to write it all down). I was admitted for the night. They put me on antibiotics and pain medication (Motrin with something else that burned in my IV). Around 6 am this morning, they took 5 viles of blood and then did an ultrasound on baby and my kidneys around 7:30.
Baby looks great. I was correct with my due date of June 1. They said, by the ultrasound, they are saying June 4, so I was close enough to be the same. We did try to find out the sex but baby was sitting on one foot (covering up the back) and one hand was covering up the front. LOL! We got to see baby's face. It was so clear and such a cute little person. I can't wait to hold my little one and kiss that little face. Baby is almost 3 lbs. Getting big.
As for me... they said they don't know. I have a UTI, but my right kidney is inflamed and there was some blood in my urine. They said it is either kidney stones or a kidney infection. They gave me antibiotics and released me. They said I'll probably have it start up again and I'll need to come back. I hope it's over. I sure don't want to go through this again. At least I know our baby is doing great. That's the big reason I went to the ER. If I wasn't pregnant, I probably wouldn't have gone until it got bad. (Sounds awful, but true. I hate hospitals.)
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